Saturday, January 22, 2011

Help us..

Been ready and watching a lot of documentaries.. Seem to be learning much about this world that I never knew or even thought of. After contemplating much last night I think I'm finally getting somewhere. We all see these horrible things happening around us, in the news (even though I do not care to watch), on TV, in the papers, hear about it on the radio, but what is really being done?? A few people here and there are trying to figure things out, stop hunger, fight terrorists, take down the big bad corporations, fight for equality, and much much more. But as we look at what they do, it looks so minimal. Almost as if they aren't helping that much. Okay, I know every little thing helps but what about big changes? How can we effect more than just one small community? We need to get messages out there, to everyone, telling them the truth about things. I feel like this is a big thing that is missing in our schools. Our younger generation and children are the ones that need to be hearing the truths first hand. They are the ones that have the power to succeed Stop giving these false hopes and false views of the world, you know that's only going to destroy us faster and make life worst for those who come after us.

My first realization was about my self. What can I do? How could I possibly do anything to help a change? I do believe that one large thing is selfishness, and I can say that there are times you need to think of yourself, but to a certain extent. We need to start looking into not only our selfs, but those around us. How are we connected? If I do something how is it going to effect others around me? and to what and whose benefit? These are things we need to be asking, thinking about, and reacting to. The tip of the ice burg, much much more to come.

Peace will never be until we acknowledge personal control and responsibility for the good of our selfs and for our cultural and social stability.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm the children's teacher and parent educator at the Hawthorne Family Playschool. I heard your band rehearsing on a recent Wednesday night when we had a school community meeting in the church building. What a thrilling celebration of sound! I love it.

    I wonder if there might be any opportunities to share your music w/ our families. One thought I have is that we have an end of the year celebration on Friday, June 10th from 5-7. In the past we've invited musicians to play for 30-45 minutes. Because we are a small non-profit with volunteer parents working in our cooperative classrooms, we don't have a budget to compensate musicians. But it could be good visibility for the band and loads of fun. Thanks for taking the time to consider.

